Ecuador: Amazonian women mission and petition handover

The South America team will go on mission to Ecuador on 7-13 March. We will demand authorities take real and effective measures to grant justice and protection to human rights defenders in Ecuador, who are currently forced to risk their lives to carry out their work. Weiterlesen

Human Rights in the Americas. 2019 Annual Report

Inequality, corruption, violence, environmental degradation, impunity and the weakening of institutions continued to be a common reality across the Americas, resulting in daily human rights violations for millions of people. Several countries in the region were shaken by massive demonstrations during 2019 as people took to the streets to demand accountability and respect for their Weiterlesen

Petition zu den Amazonas-Frauen in Ecuador – bis 31.12.2019

Angriffen und Morddrohungen sind Patricia Gualinga, Nema Grefa, Salomé Arandaund Margoth Escobar seit Monaten immer wieder ausgesetzt. Die vier Frauen sind Mitglieder der „MujeresAmazónicas“, einem Kollektiv von mehr als 100 hauptsächlich indigenen Frauen, die zu den sieben Ethnien des ecuadorianischen Amazonas gehören. Weiterlesen