Petition: Demand Ecuador to eliminate gas flares in the Amazon / Bitte unterstützt die Petition gegen Gasbohrungen in Ecuador

Link zur Petition von Amnesty:

Demand Ecuador to eliminate gas flares in the Amazon

In the Ecuadorian Amazon, the government is not complying with a ruling won by nine young activists together with the organization Unión de Afectados por Texaco—UDAPT requiring ending gas flares, which consume the rights of local communities with flames and toxic gases and contribute enormously to climate change. Demand the president of Ecuador to eliminate gas flares to protect human rights and climate justice.


What can you do to help?

Sign the petition and demand the President of Ecuador an urgent plan to eliminate the gas flares (especially those located 5 km from populated centres), implement policies to end the sacrifice zones in the Amazon, and move towards the gradual elimination of fossil fuels and a fair energy transition.