Ecuador: The Amazon is burning, the future is burning!

Amnesty International hat einen Research Report über die Situation in Ecudor veröffentlicht:

Ecuador: The Amazon is burning, the future is burning!

Amnesty International reveals how the Ecuadorian state is failing in its duty to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by allowing lighter operations in the Amazon. Even though a 2021 court ruling, promoted by nine girls and young climate activists from communities of Sucumbíos and Orellana, with the support of the Union of People Affected by Texaco Operations (UDAPT), ordered the elimination of lighters, the Ecuadorian State continues to allow this pernicious practice of the fossil fuel industry. An activity that is also directly linked to global warming and the emission of superpollutants such as methane, which endangers the exercise and guarantee of human rights today and in the future.

Link zu dem Report (Englisch)

Link zur Spanischen Version:

17. August 2024